Ministries about Religious Education

Book Of Life (BOL) is a registered non profit  church and ministry which is dedicated on spreading the living gospel of Messiah.

As an interfaith chaplain and Quaker I believe we all have the wisdom of the Divine within us.

LifeCalls supports people to faithfully live in accord with their vision and values through the following services:

As Friends United Meeting's Director of Belize Friends Ministries, I will be caring for the building and facilitating its use by the three entities that make up FUM’s ministries in Belize—the Schoo

Windy is a traveling public minister from Baltimore Yearly Meeting.

Emily Provance, a member of Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting in New York Yearly Meeting, is called to a ministry of hearth building–that is, she feels called to the work of creating a home for Frie

Lola Georg has been offering workshops on the Spirituality of Money since 2014.

For more than twenty years, Marcelle Martin has been traveling to teach classes and facilitate workshops related to the spiritual journey, with an emphasis on spiritual practices, Quaker faith, dis

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