Eppchez  !


Eppchez Yes is an innovator and change agent committed to stewardship and equity through human-centered artistic and economic practices. Eppchez is a proud transexual mongrel of Cuban and Jewish decent. Eppchez has years of experience with Quaker business process and is at the forefront of developing strategies for noticing and shifting systemic patterns that uphold unhealthy power dynamics in Quakerism and Philadelphia’s Theatre Community. Eppchez is particularly interested in welcoming practices and healing racial anxiety among Friends. Eppchez works as a playwright and performer, collaborating with companies such as Swim Pony, Pig Iron, Applied Mechanics and also self-producing theater and music since 2012 as Alma's Engine. In 2017 Eppchez began designing wearable art objects to further conversations around gender self-determination. Ey founded a design house, Darb Garb, seeking to grow this vital work and prioritizing environmental sustainability and employee equity. In all eir work Eppchez attempts to lay out disruptive truths plainly in ways that re-educate with unconditional forgiveness.

Eppchez !'s Ministries

This workshop uses songs, story telling and worship sharing to help communities already engaged in confronting systemic White Supremacy, to examine how Whiteness functions in our lives and become more comfortable with the inherent discomfort of this work, a

This site specific play can be performed under any Freight train bridge the goes over a river. Is there a location like this near your Meeting?