Book Of Life

Created by : cliffordmasambuka1_157

Pastoral Care
Spiritual Direction/ Guidance
Religious Education
Children & Youth
Bible Study/Scripture
Gospel Ministry

Ministry Webform Master Node



Book Of Life (BOL) is a registered non profit  church and ministry which is dedicated on spreading the living gospel of Messiah. Book Of Life was founded to meet the happier living in spiritual, mental, health and physical needs of people as a way of expressing the love and care of God to His Children. It is based in Zomba City in Malawi in Africa. It has also some branches in other districts of Malawi.


Support and extend the evangelistic calling by proclaiming the gospel of Christ Messiah to every person. 


Evangelism and missionary work in accordance with Messiah's Commission to His Church.


>Preaching the gospel and taking the gospel to all tribes, districts, towns, villages, cities and nations.

>Preaching and teaching a powerful, uncompromised message of salvation, healing, deliverance and final warnings to God's Children.

>Empower people with the living gospel through booklets and reading materials and through Community Evangelism,education, bible studies and personal transformation.


1.Fear Of God

2. Accountability and transparency 



5.Equality and justice 


1.To provide the Holy Scriptures to every man, woman and child. 

2. Making Disciples and take the gospel to every tribes. 

3.Preaching and teaching a message of salvation, healing, deliverance and final warnings to mankind. 

4.Train Book Of Life Teams for God's Kingdom. 

5.Provide education through Bible studies with our Teams, education for Evangelism, church growth and missionary work. 



Endorsement Letter


We hereby request for Partnership with individuals, families, couples, Ministries, churches, companies and organisations that are willing to invest in the lives of community Members in Malawi through Word of God and other means. 


Thank you for considering a donation to Book Of Life (BOL). Your investment makes a direct difference in lives of people and in children and all participants. Your generosity provides the immediate relief from financial crisis, transportation, school fees for Orphans, food, clothing and other basic needs and administration.

Any amount to fund us is welcome and we shall appreciate the donations of 2 Laptops for Office use, bibles, gospel tracts, bikes, motorcycles, second hand clothes, shoes, balls for football and Netball. 


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