Humanitarian Havening for Emotional Equilibrium

Created by : floatingfeathergardens_135

Body Awareness/Movement
Pastoral Care
Social Action

Ministry Webform Master Node



Humanitarian Havening
a Crisis Response working group of 
Havening Techniques Practitoners

We are in the process of aligning service coordinated by Manar Azeik, healer & Minister of the Soul, with the Rahmah Foundation. Our mission is to serve victims of the conflicts in the middle east by facilitating applied neuroscience for mental health. 

We create inner safety for the Mind~Body~Spirit
Havening Touch creates changes in Neurochemistry. With simplified Havening Techniques we offer emotional relief to all victims of conflicts and war.

Feather aka Delia Windwalker, Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner and Advocate 
Works ONLINE and in Westport, MA and onsite in SouthCoast MA & RI locations

Feather Offers Group Introductions, Demonstrations, and Individual Sessions ~

Her practice Feather Wind Wisdom focuses on clearing Emotional Traumas, Grief, Despair, Fears, Pain ~ any unwanted emotionally limiting experiences ~ by employing the Havening Techniques®. She acts as a facilitator and coach by guiding clients to their inner wisdom thus lifting unwanted emotional burdens. As those limiting factors diminish, Feather acts intuitively to guide her clients to their inner healing wisdom. Thus clients clarify their own desires and aspirations and explore ways to co-create more authentic futures with Feather's coaching skills.

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Certificate ~ Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc

Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc presents
Delia B. Windwalker for completing the Havening Techniques® Certification Program
with recognition as a
Havening Techniques® Certified Practitioner.

November 2019 
Steven J. Ruden ICF/ACC Director of Education
Dr Ronald A. Ruden, Founder of The Havening Techniques®


Testimonial From: Viv Hawkins, Coaching encore careerists and spiritual change-makers to live your vision and values meaningfully

May 22, 2020, Viv was a client of Feather’s

Feather's guided Havening Techniques® Session helped me connect painlessly with some deep insights, which, when surfaced, liberated me in the moment and even more fully, as I reflected on and acted from my new knowing. In short, her practice blessed and healed me.

Connect with Feather!

Seeking audience cohorts for Hands On DIY Workshops for NeuroSensory Self-Care & Emotional First-Aid
Online and regionally ~ Eastern Massachusetts & Rhode Island. 
Audiences: Medical, mental health and wellness professionals, veterinarians, dentists, alternative and complementary practitioners, educators, clergy/lay ministers, hospice, grief & recovery workers, and first responders.
Anyone serving in an 'essential service' role will benefit from this professional development.

Donations support pro bono Humanitarian Havening sessions for victims of conflicts and war. 



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